Action similarity test


Dear participant,
first of all, we would like to thank you for your help with this evaluation campaign.
The sentences you are going to evaluate have been generated automatically, and we need to verify if their meaning is coherent with the video they have been associated to by an unsupervised algorithm.

Before to start the evaluation, we are going to briefly explain you what is the task about and how to proceed with the judgment.

We are taking into consideration discrete action concepts, as they are depicted by the videos we are proposing you. We are asking you to read a sentence and watch a video, and express your judgement about the similarity of the action described by the sentence and the one showed in the video.
In particular you should (1) imagine the action described by the sentence, (2) watch the proposed video, and (3) evaluate if it is the same action performed with (or applied to) a different object, or if it is a different action.


Consider the following video-sentence pair:
The truck turns left at the traffic light

In this case the action described by the sentence is the same of the one depicted in the video, even though the involved objects are different (human vs. truck, wall vs. traffic light).
Conversely, if the sentence was Mary turns the key, the action would have been different from the one showed in the video.

This was an obvious example, just for training purposes: the following evaluations can appear complex, weird or even meaningless (that's why we need you!). Please judge anyway, any pair, following your perception and remember that there are no right or wrong answers. Have fun!

Let's go!

Your sex: Male FemaleYour age:

Mary puts the sheet down

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary combines the sugar and flour together

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John removes the stain away

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John drops the oil on the desk

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John places the bowl on the brackets

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John takes the child into the garage

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John brings Mary the medication

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary swivels the alternator

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary mashes the banana down

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary hits the ball with the book

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary rotates her hips

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John puts the foot into the hole

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John captures the rabbit

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary strikes the opponent with the book

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary sets the board upright

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary lengthens the leg along the ground

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John brings the water into the garage

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary blends the ingredient and cheese together

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary blends the powder and flour together

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John catches fire

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John puts the sheet on the brackets

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary sticks a head to the door

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary places her finger near her head

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary sticks a toothpick to the door

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John puts the needle into the hole

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary applies layer to her nails

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary whips the cream

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary wipes the dirt on the table

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary stretches the arm along the ground

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary combines the butter and cheese

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary puts the foot upright

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John pushes the needle into the hole

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary puts her finger near her head

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John moves the item away

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary cleans her cage on the table

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John removes the foot away

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary spreads oil on her nails

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John moves the cursor away

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John puts the ice on the desk

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John traps the moisture

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary sticks a finger to the door

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary crushes the bean down

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary attaches a tape to the door

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary unfolds the flap down

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

Mary beats the butter

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John takes Mary the note

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John traps the animal

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different

John inserts the hook into the hole

Does the sentence describe the same action performed with (or applied to) different object(s)?

The action is the same

The action is different